About ROAMWellnessCo
What's in it for you?
Our Mushroom defense complex has been specially crafted with Lions mane, Reishi, and Cordyceps mushrooms to provide a brain boosting combo like no other to keep you functioning at peak health and combat against brain aging and nerve damage!

Lion's Mane
Lion's Mane, our flagship ingredient is a jack of all trades. Originally used in China as a medicinal supplement for stomach aches and general illness, Lions mane is known today for its incredible brain and nerve health benefits. Studies have shown that using Lions mane over the course of 16 weeks greatly improves focus and memory in patients suffering from general cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Lions mane also stimulates nerve growth and repair by increasing myelin and b-amyloid, both of which are crucial for brain development and repair.

Working alongside our powerful brain booster is the Reishi mushroom more known for its ability to fight inflammation, infection, and cancer. White blood cells which fight infection throughout the body are shown to be supported by the Reishi. Molecules within this mushroom increase activity of the white blood cell associated with killing cancerous cells and fighting infection.

Last but not least Cordyceps is known as the athletes mushroom for its known benefits in physical performance by increasing V02 max levels for cardiovascular endurance. The cordyceps has also shown to boost libido.